jueves, 8 de abril de 2010

Living land art culture

Valuing the pureness and beauty of our surroundings, we encourage both individual and group activities with a strong emphasis on environmental awareness.

You will be able to partake in eco art located in pristine environments, places unexplored and unaffected by human development allowing your creative side to flourish.

The team will accompany and provide assistance during the artistic creation. Then, the short living piece of art will be recorded in pictures and films. As the piece of art is temporary, there is zero impact on environment.

Amongst the touristic activities performed in the world, the Land Art experience can be considered to be a cultural and ecological product.

We are a unique team in the world offering the chance to do Land Art together with a creative community.

Who is interested in doing Land Art?

Those with artistics skills,
Companies that employ team building activities,
Intenational schools of art and
Cultural centers.

We follow a fixed schedule to ensure we carry out our activities without weather limitations.
Upon arrival, peoplewho arrive are given a presentation of the idea and the creative comunity.
The following day an excursion outdoos to start the Land Art.
The formal presentation and idea will be developed according to the aims of each activity.
This could be working with coloured fabrics, building sculptures with branches or stone, natural paintings, creating mask, etc.

Creative community

Sandy Súdar, Mariano Anastassiades, Marina Yael, Hernán Broggia, Adria Peralta, Bianca Peralta Pablo Randazzo and Roberto Raimondi.

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